Press Release

September 25, 2024

SWM Launches FIVE™: a New Product Brand for Lightweight, Oil-Resistant Paper

Inspired by the consumer experience journey, the FIVE™ brand emphasizes the importance of preserving the integrity of each recipe in every way.

SWM International, a multinational producer of high-quality, lightweight specialty papers, is launching a new product brand for its line of oil and grease-resistant (OGR) papers under the name FIVE™. This type of paper is used for wrapping sandwiches, fries, pastries, lining pizzas, and in the production of microwave popcorn packaging, among other applications. The new product brand encapsulates the five senses activated in each consumer when enjoying their food. For SWM, wrapping the product to deliver it to the consumer is much more than just a final step in the recipe: it’s about protecting the brand’s integrity in every sense.

The decision to launch the new FIVE™ product brand came after a comprehensive analysis of market trends and feedback from key industry players. The work was carried out in consultation with Touch Branding in Brazil, where SWM International’s Piraí Unit (RJ) is located, responsible for producing the FIVE™ line. For SWM International, this launch is much more than a name change. It marks a milestone in the company’s investment strategy in the packaging papers category.

A Word From Our Experts

“Our research and development efforts have positioned us as leaders in offering sustainable lightweight solutions for oil resistance in Brazil, where our operation responsible for this product line is located. We aim to extend this leadership to other regions we serve. To achieve this, we sought to understand what the market is looking for: the integrity of the multisensory identity—meaning the sandwich or food needs to perform the same way in a restaurant or for delivery. The FIVE™ product line delivers this value proposition,” explains Lívia Delort, Product Manager at SWM International

“The consumer needs to see, touch, and experience. Faced with food, all our senses are heightened: sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. The FIVE™ paper line has the firmness necessary to prevent the food from falling apart, like the layers of a sandwich, and has a high printing capability, highlighting the brand. Additionally, its high moisture barrier maintains crispness, and its high oil absorption prevents a greasy meal. Lastly, it keeps the meal’s temperature for longer, enhancing flavor and aroma,” details Thiago Char, Research and Development Manager at SWM International

The FIVE™ portfolio is made from 100% natural fibers sourced from responsibly managed and certified eucalyptus plantations (FSC and PEFC)—a renewable resource. The FIVE™ line is entirely plastic-free, offering a high-quality, high-performance alternative to fossil-based materials. It comes in two color options (bleached and unbleached), three levels of grease resistance (Low, Medium, and High), which remain resilient even in folded areas, and heat resistance up to 220ºC.

Looking Towards a More Sustainable Future

The FIVE™ OGR paper line is aimed at food packaging manufacturers needing sustainable, high-performance barrier solutions, following international regulations. Looking ahead to international trends, SWM International is already preparing the next step for the FIVE™ line: making it fluoride-free (PFAs).

This initiative is part of the company’s commitment to being a leader in sustainable lightweight solutions for oil resistance in the regions where it operates. Customers benefit from an even more sustainable product while maintaining all quality attributes.

For more information, contact Livia Delort, Product Manager:
Phone: +55 24 99253-6487 | E-mail: