Products & Services

October 4, 2024

FIVE™: A New Standard in Sensory Packaging Innovation

When consumers engage with food, they activate all five senses: sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. This insight inspired SWM International, a global leader in specialty papers, to rethink how packaging can better serve the consumer experience. The result is FIVE™, the latest oil- and grease-resistant (OGR) packaging paper brand, designed to enhance protection while reflecting innovation.

Responding to Market Demands: The Beginning of FIVE™

Six years ago, SWM took on a unique challenge: a customer requested a lightweight, unbleached, and fluoride-free (PFAs-free) OGR paper. PFAs are chemicals known for their grease- and water-repelling properties but have raised environmental concerns due to their persistence in nature. In response, SWM sought to develop a solution that reduced environmental impact while delivering high performance. This marked the first step in the creation of the FIVE™ brand.

Innovating for the Future: Overcoming Challenges and Listening to Customers

Creating a fluoride-free OGR solution presented new challenges not only for SWM but for the entire industry. With no established product to build on, SWM adopted an agile approach, forming a team of experts across different fields: Commercial, Research, Development, Marketing, and more. This allowed for rapid testing, continuous feedback, and iterative improvements until they landed on the perfect formula.

Listening to customers revealed important insights. SWM discovered that technical jargon and product classifications didn’t resonate with customers. The company also found that many customers valued packaging that maintained food temperature and integrity during delivery, not just oil and grease resistance. These insights allowed SWM to redefine its approach. Through rigorous testing of over 100 materials, they developed a fluoride-free solution based on a 100% renewable resin that offered excellent grease and oil resistance for lightweight packaging.

SWM also addressed specific customer needs in niche markets. For microwave popcorn packaging, for instance, SWM’s paper is quieter than competitors’, a must-have for consumers who enjoy silent movie sessions. The paper maintains grease resistance even in folded areas and can withstand heat up to 220ºC, making it ideal for this application.

FIVE™: Shaping the Future of Sustainable Packaging

With the launch of FIVE™, SWM is paving the way for a more sustainable future in packaging. Their portfolio now includes both fluoride-containing and fluoride-free OGR papers, with a full transition to fluoride-free packaging set for 2025. This move aligns with growing market demand and evolving regulations.

By prioritizing customer needs and staying at the forefront of innovation, SWM has positioned itself as a leader in lightweight, sustainable packaging solutions. Whether for fast food, delivery, or supermarket packaging, the FIVE™ brand ensures that food stays fresh and protected, maintaining both product quality and brand integrity. SWM’s commitment to excellence makes FIVE™ the new standard for oil- and grease-resistant packaging, offering peace of mind for consumers and businesses alike.