Job offers at SWM International

Discover here our job offers worldwide.


Located in Santanésia, Brazil, our production site manufactures a diverse range of papers including base tipping papers, cigarette papers, greaseproof wrapping papers, Heat not Burn papers, non-porous plug wrap papers, pharma insert papers, rolling papers, sterilizable medical papers, and hygiene and food contact papers. This site is also home to one of SWM’s Science, Research, and Development Centers.



SWM International proudly operates three cutting-edge production sites in France. Le Mans mill specializes in reconstituted tobacco, botanicals, and fibers production. Les Papeteries de Saint-Girons mill manufactures a diverse array of papers, from cigarette to wrapping papers, alongside offering printing solutions. Meanwhile, the Quimperlé mill stands out with its state-of-the-art machinery, catering to a wide spectrum of paper products, including battery separator papers, Heat not Burn papers, and overlay papers. These three sites are also is home SWM’s Science, Research, and Development Centers.


The United States

SWM International operates two production sites in the United States. In Ancram, New York, our facility specializes in crafting botanical wrappers and fillers, alongside tobacco wrappers and binders, while also serving as a hub for research and development in paper science. Meanwhile, our Prosperity, South Carolina site is dedicated to LIP cigarette papers converting and printing solutions.
